This online course description, overview and resources


How this course works

If you like to have all the details before diving into your study, then you can jump over to our Free HowToCoffeePro Introduction Course. Perhaps you have seen it, or you are a learner who likes to dive in head first. There is always time to go back and get it for free.

Course workflow

This course is both on-demand (self-paced) and cohort driven with class calls. You may complete the course in days, weeks or months. Enrollment may close, but your access to the content will always be open. The first 7 steps are required for SCA certification.

  1. Study the course lectures and materials
  2. Work through the practical skills outlined in this course
  3. Test yourself with quizzes to prepare for the SCA online exam
  4. Join our social media LIVE sessions highlighting lectures and answering questions
  5. Contribute to Google Meetings with current learners and graduated alumni
  6. Schedule your one on one (1-1) instructor call
  7. Take and pass your SCA exam for certification
  8. Join future calls as an alumni (optional)

One more time, be sure to get LIVE and cohort call announcements by email (link) here.

Course description from the SCA handbook:

The Roasting Foundation course gives the learner an understanding of the roasting process, including the physical changes that take place during the process, and how to control sensory aspects of the coffee by roasting light or dark. Learners will also gain an understanding of the basic structure of the roasting machine, and general maintenance and fire prevention. 

Roasting Foundations

In this course you will be provided with resources, tools and self-guided learning activities. As you complete these lectures and advance onto new sections, you may come back and revisit any topic that was especially helpful or perhaps too challenging to master in your first attempt.

Be sure to keep pace with your study so that you can join and contribute to our live social sessions and cohort group calls with learners and alumni. Make note of any questions you'd like to discuss during one-on-one calls with our Coffee Coach.

You will be equipped with language, context and exercises to provide you confidence and to exercise your skills. Engage with others in the cohort and our social channels. Share your newfound knowledge or insights with friends and coffee colleagues.

This course works best when followed in sequence. Read the lecture notes and watch the videos with accompanying exercises entirely before advancing to the next topic. You will have questions, which may be addressed in the coming lectures and videos.

Give yourself grace - Sensory training takes timeThese skills require repetition and there is no substitute for practice. Learn how to practice the right way and continue to build good habits. Consider also, one of our SCA Training Kits (link) built to flexibly suit all of our SCA Foundation courses.

In this course we will explore:

  • Coffee roasting basics
  • Roasting terminology
  • Roaster elements and mechanics
  • How to control your roast
  • Practical exercise #1 - controlling your roast
  • The various stages of the roasting process
  • Practical exercise #2 - roast progress identification
  • Physical changes in the roast process
  • Producing a roast profile
  • Using your roast plan with a profile
  • Recognizing and controlling critical events in the roast
  • Transformational changes to coffee during the roast
  • The impact and control of heat sources
  • Tastes and aromas as impacted by the roast
  • Practical exercise #3 - sensory impacts of the roast
  • How to use and understand roast logs with calculations
  • Safety and maintenance in the roastery
  • Roaster cleaning and maintenance
  • Mock SCA online exam for certification preparations


Bookmark and find more great resources at:


This course is built around a several roasting, grading and sensory cupping experiences. While not required it is highly recommended to experience in the cup what you will be learning about in the exercises with the following supplies:

  1. Green Unroasted Coffees
  2. Roasts to Match Green
  3. Roast Log Records
  4. Specialty Light vs. Dark Roasted Coffee

To participate fully in the exercises you will be guided through a coffee cupping. Coffee cupping is a professional term which standardizes the brewing experience no matter if you are a grower at origin, a roaster manufacturer or a final cafe purchasing manager. To participate in these cuppings you should have or acquire the following:

  • 2 x glasses (bowls/mugs/cups) at 200ml capacity each
  • 2 x cupping spoons (broad soup style)
  • 1 kettle (hot water source)
  • 1 x rinse glass
  • 1 x scale (ideal but not essential) 

To participate fully in the exercises you will be guided through various exercises that require equipment and coffees. You may look for them locally at a specialty coffee company or perhaps online. We have designed SCA Training Kits (link) built to flexibly suit all of our SCA Foundation courses.

Enjoy your course!

PS. If you didn't see - our Free HowToCoffeePro introduction is here:

In it we explain programs, introduce our Coffee Coach and more!

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